hi, i’m cecilia garnett.
I'm a career coach, with over ten years experience, specialising in helping mums get back to work, guiding graduates and undergraduates in their journey to their first jobs and supporting professionals with communications issues at work.
Thank you for taking the time to visit my website. I have always wanted to make a difference to people’s lives and that properly started over 20 years ago when I began my career in PR recruitment. I then moved companies and became a manager in a specialist media recruitment firm. I found the area I got most satisfaction from was helping those who came to me to find their ideal job or those who wanted a change in their career.
Having experienced my own personal life challenges, I decided to retrain as a life coach after having received life coaching myself. It was such a powerful experience that following the decision to retrain and having achieved my life coaching qualification, I left recruitment and set up Centricity Coaching focusing on delivering career coaching to my clients. Life coaching taught me a range of skills, including deep questioning and NLP techniques that helped me to support my clients in finding the answers to their questions.
After about a year, I was then approached to set up an internal recruitment team for a group of media agencies where I trained staff how to recruit the best people for their jobs. I wrote and delivered training programmes for the agency staff and I trained individuals in my team on how to get the best out of the individuals we interviewed and how to deliver effective feedback.
I then took some time out to become a mum. A few years after that, I was asked to come back by my ex-CEO to fix a broken team who was underperforming and had no leadership. Since then I have enjoyed helping undergraduates apply for work experience, working with school leavers to produce the best personal statement for their UCAS applications. I have conducted mock interviews for back to work mums and helped edit CVs to give individuals the best chance of being called for interview. I have also just completed a qualification in “Understanding Mental Health in Young People & Children”. I have spent time coaching people through difficult situations at work and how to achieve the best results in meetings and within relationships where they have experienced many challenging exchanges of communication.
I would love the opportunity to support you in your next step. Please contact me for your free consultation.